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What is love?  There is a lot kind of love . Few example of love are friendship love,  family love,  fall in love and so on.  Love will flow or must overcome by every human being.  In others hand,  how you know or feel about love?

For me,  love can be categorized to few section .  One of the categorized is friendship love.  For mine past years ,  I have been involving a lot types of situation that I also never expected will happen.  I always find few friend to share mine situation such as CJZ,TWK,J,Raul/Willen,KPS and some Singapore friend.  They always share their view to me and I really thanks for their action.  Even though some time we do some funny situation also.LOL

Other than that,  family love will be past by everyone being.  Family love is something that cannot be rejected by anyone.  Every member in the family won't want to see their child/ family member to be in uncomfortable lifestyle.  They will sacrifice everything that they can to give their child the best.  "I can see that also and how about you?"

Furthermore,  the more teenager will go through on ''love'' is having another part(  that mean having girlfriend/  boyfriend/gay-friend /lesbian-friend or anything that wanted).  I got a friend that having gay-friend and I wont mention is who :D and they already broke up due to some problem/mine ''presentation'' is too good :P.  Having relationship is something that cannot be rejected by anyone because it already been fated.  You willing to anything for your another half even-though that is ridiculous.  For me,  I also willing to do ridiculous thing for mine another half even-though she already have found her another half.  Loving someone not necessary that we must be together.  For me time(in future) can determine ''our future(love)''.

"Time and tide;wait for no man''.  I will try mine best to do whatever I can so .  It doesn't important that ''you'' must thankful for me or whatever.  Hope that ''you'' will know who is you that i mention.  Maybe is also consider as ''love is blind''. Will you be so stupid like me to do something that you never gain anything?hahas :x

For all the all viewers, last question what is love for you? :)